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Galeri Sumarlina
Rabu, 26 April 2017
Selasa, 25 April 2017
Tahapan Inovasi
Menurut artikel yang ditulis oleh Brian
Neese (2015) di laman Rivier University online, ada 5 tahap inovasi yang dapat
mengarahkan pada inovasi yang sukses yaitu:
Perumusan ide dan
mobilisasi :
TCP14 AND TCP15 Affect Internode Length and Leaf Shape in Arabidopsis
The Plant Journal (2011) 68, 147-158
Martin Kieffer, Vera Master, Richard Waites, and Brendan Davies
The TCP family of plant-specific, non-canonical bHLH
transcription factors has been specifically linked to regulation of cell
proliferation during development. Understanding of this family is essential for
establishment of a genetic model to describe the interaction between cell
proliferation and spatial development. Representatives of the two distinct TCP
sub-families found in Arabidopsis and known as class I (TCPp) and class II
Kamis, 20 April 2017
The Research Development of Unique Chromosome in Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)
The cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp., is an important agronomic crop which
constitute a major source of protein for food and is particularly tolerant to
drought and heat stress. The cowpea is still poorly understood cytogenetically,
so there are many researches which aim to understand the cowpea, especially in
its chromosomal structure.
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